April Board Meeting

Cluster Picnic & Fall Cleanup

Basketball Court 11116 Saffold Way, Reston

Dear Hillcrest Neighbors, The Cluster Picnic and the Fall Cluster Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, September 22nd. The event will focus on beautifying the neighborhood, as well as provide an opportunity to meet your neighbors. Cleanup is scheduled from 9 AM to 12 PM. Please meet at the basketball court to volunteer. Dress in work clothes and bring work gloves. Cluster Picnic is scheduled from 12 PM to 3 PM. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and beverages will be provided. Everyone is welcome! Let’s build community! If you…

The Hillcrest Cluster Association is one of the largest and oldest homeowners associations (HOA) in Reston,Virginia. Chartered in 1969 under Virginia law.