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  • Are political signs allowed in the Hillcrest Cluster?

Yes. A maximum of two unlit political signs no larger than two feet by three feet may be placed on the homeowner’s property, but must be removed one week after the election results are announced.

  • If I lost the copy of the Association documents I received at my closing, how do I obtain another copy?

Please send an e-mail request to info@hillcrest-cluster.com to request a copy of the disclosure documents you received at closing. An electronic copy will be provided at no charge. If you need a hard copy for any reason, a small cost recovery fee will be charged once the documents are printed.

  • What is a homeowners association?

According to the Community Associations Institute (CAI), a community association may have any number of names, including homeowners association, property owners association, condominium association, cooperative, council of homeowners and common-interest development. While there can be substantive differences among these types, the fundamental responsibility of an association is to preserve the nature of the community and protect the value of the property owned by members. In all cases, the association is likely administered by a board of directors—volunteer homeowners elected by their fellow residents to set policy. Larger communities typically hire full-time, on-site managers. Others contract with management firms for selected services, such as financial management and maintenance, for example. Smaller associations with more limited budgets often rely on resident volunteers for all management and oversight. Whether a community is self-managed or able to hire professional management services, homeowner involvement is essential.

For more information, please see https://www.caionline.org/pages/default.aspx and for a definition of a Cluster Association, see page 9 of the HCA Handbook (Hillcrest Cluster Association Handbook–2018)

  • Besides parking violations, are there other violations that could result in my vehicle being towed or fined?

In addition to the Hillcrest Cluster parking policies contained on pages 30-33 (Hillcrest Cluster Association Handbook–2018) of the Cluster Handbook, there are other occasions when towing may be enforced. This includes road and sidewalk work, curb painting, and tree work among the most often times parking will be prohibited in the work area.  When work is being performed in Hillcrest Cluster, the Board sends a series of notices to affected residents well in advance of the work being performed. If residents fail to abide by the instructions provided in the notice, your vehicle may be towed on the day of the work taking place. Please comply with notices to avoid this expense and inconvenience.

  • Which packing space is assigned to my home?

Currently, there is no assigned parking in Hillcrest Cluster. If you or residents of your house have more than 2 cars, or you are having guests, the Board expects residents to be mindful of their neighbors, and distribute cars to allow for each house to have access to two parking spaces, as needed.

  • My vehicle has been towed from the cluster property, who should I call?

Henry’s Wrecker Service at 703-698-8900.

  • What about parking moving vans and portable storage containers in parking spaces?

Storage pods may be parked within a marked parking space for no more than four days, but the Cluster board must be informed of the dates before it is placed.

  • What days are Trash & Recycling picked up?

Trash Pickup Mondays & Thursdays after 7:00 a.m. Recycling Pickup is Wednesdays. Yard debris pickup is Thursdays ONLY

  • How is the Board of Directors elected? What is the election process?
  • What is the purpose of the Board of Directors and what is their role?
  • How do I get in contact with the Board of Directors?
  • Do we have a budget?
  • How can I find out how my Association dues are being utilized?
  • I have lost my dues assessment invoice, where do I send my payment?
  • What are Assessments and how are they spent?
  • I would like to make modifications to my home.  Are there any requirements/guidelines?
  • Who is responsible for street maintenance?
  • When selling my home, who do I need to contact?
  • Where do I report problems with landscaping or other services provided by the neighborhood?
  • Who do I contact about updating my contact information?
  • Who do I contact in case of an emergency

Help us keep our resident database up to date and let us know if your contact information has changed or you are new to the Hillcrest Cluster.

Hillcrest Cluster Census Form

Don't see your Question? Ask your own below:

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.

Last Updated: 8/27/2018

The Hillcrest Cluster Association is one of the largest and oldest homeowners associations (HOA) in Reston,Virginia. Chartered in 1969 under Virginia law.